Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hi everyone,

Hope this semester is going well for all of you. I've been pretty busy with everything I'm doing. CAB has been doing well, I encourage anyone reading the blog to follow us on our Facebook page (Campus Activities Board of Hawaii Pacific University) for updates on our board meetings, event committee meetings, and for event updates.

Being a member of the UN Club in the spring is a very interesting time for all members; from the group attending the conference in two months, to the rest of our club members. I'm very proud to be the main facilitator for the Model UN class for our delegate group and we're making some great progress (perhaps because for the most past, everyone is a lot older and more experienced than last year). For a group with only three returner delegates, I'm proud to say that everyone has been doing a GREAT job on their papers, research and even with learning the proper rules of procedure. I'm also excited to have a little break this coming Saturday, my fellow officers and I were fortunate enough to have retired UN Ambassadors come and speak about how Pacific islands like Fiji interact within the United Nations. The struggle now is that my class and I only have two more classes before we head off to the National Conference in New York City. Now for those reading this that are unfamiliar with an academic conference, this is no field trip to the Mainland. There is going to be some serious workloads being taken care of by only 14 HPU students. This trip is important because HPU's UN club has been regularly attending this conference for many years. It puts our school, the most diverse in the country, on the international map because we are meeting with and interacting with people from all over the world.

Well that's enough jabbering for me. I'm going to finish some of my grad work (never thought lesson plans were so complicated) and then I'm crashing. Goodnight readers!!